You are here for a reason
When we are born, we forget who we are. The goal is to remember and to learn as you go. Buy the time you have reached the end, rolled the dice for the last time, you will have become an expert in this intriguing game we call life. We have assistance in this game if we so choose to use it. Teachers if you will. They guide us and protect us, and they are always waiting to assist. All you need to do is listen. Just observe the silence and they will whisper to you, as they whisper to me.
—David Hanzel

Meet David Hanzel Intuitive Medium
David Hanzel has been able to sense, see, and hear spirit from a very young age. After a Near Death Experience (NDE) as an adult, he decided to spend his life in service to Spirit, giving them a voice to tell their stories and deliver the messages to their loved ones. With this dedication, he has been able to help others to understand and validate that there is a life after death and how to proceed on their life’s journey with the help of Angels, Spirit guides, and there loved ones who have crossed over.
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